Advising our clients on investment and financing decisions and on improving financial management.


Corporate finance should apply to any business, regardless of size or industry. It is essential to be aware of the real financial situation of the company and the basis for plotting the best actions capable of generating profit. Thus, in addition to knowing exactly how much you have in cash, you can also analyze the feasibility of projects, investments, new resources, cost optimization, among others.

Valuation of companies business units

Analysis of corporate investments

Financial perfomance optimization

Implementation of Financial Governance

Capital Market Preparation

Advice on Fundraising

Green/Brownfield Project Feasibility Analysis

Latest Publications

7 dificuldades financeiras decorrentes da pandemia

Empresários, executivos e conselheiros estão debruçados diariamente no desafio de tomar as melhores decisões financeiras em tempos de incertezas. O desafio é aplicável para empresas pequenas, médias e grandes, independentemente da estrutura implementada de governança

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