Systemic vision, experience and precision applied in the preparation of technical studies, accounting, and economic-financial advice.

Technical Studies and Expertise

Technical studies are required to support senior management decision-making or to document corporate, financial, accounting and economic procedures. Technical studies must be carefully prepared, with high quality, efficiency and effectiveness, as the resulting financial impact is relevant and involves partners, administrators, suppliers, customers, employees and the government.

Important financial disputes are brought to the resolution of an arbitral or judicial court.

Thus, the arbitral, judicial or extrajudicial accounting expertise is essential to support the decision of the competent court or technically justify the claim of one of the parties.

Valuation of companies business units

Expert or Technical Assistant in Arbitration Proceedings or Legal Proceedings

Economic - Financial Studies and Calculations

Latest Publications

7 dificuldades financeiras decorrentes da pandemia

Empresários, executivos e conselheiros estão debruçados diariamente no desafio de tomar as melhores decisões financeiras em tempos de incertezas. O desafio é aplicável para empresas pequenas, médias e grandes, independentemente da estrutura implementada de governança

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