Most companies face, at some point in their trajectory, situations of financial stress, for different reasons: Macroeconomic or sectoral shocks, technological impacts, loss of relevant customers, excessive indebtedness, among others. Financial stress, in turn, diverts the company from its course and requires an understanding of the real causes which led to this situation, and the available and most appropriate remedies.

Among the solutions, which depend on the intensity of the crisis and the characteristics of each company, are:
– Restructuring of the operations
– Restructuring of liabilities and negotiation with creditors;
– Judicial or extrajudicial restructuring proceedings, among others;

MÁLAGA | AAS has a team of financial restructuring specialists, who participated in relevant cases in the Brazilian market, acting in different ways:
– Supporting executives in the diagnosis and identification of short, medium and long-term actions to recover the financials of the company;
– Taking an interim management position during the emergency phase;
– Designing the restructuring plan to be submitted to creditors in judicial or extrajudicial proceedings;
– Leading the negotiation with the creditors;
– Leading the restructuring team, until the financial rebalancing of the business;

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